I recently opened up a couple of dusty cases of 45 rpm 7″ singles which I had acquired over several years of car boot sale digging.

We all love the ritual of playing our favourite LP records. When paying singles though it all gets a bit tedious. Three minutes of music is insufficient payback for all the faff. This changed now that I have a fully automatic turntable in my Garrard Zero 100. Just plonk the record down, flick the “auto” lever and it takes care of business. It was this that prompted my 7″ vinyl revival.
It turns out I have about 130 singles. That’s about 100 more than i thought I had.
As you see, there are some good records in there, covering a broad range of genres. I have only photographed a handful of those which are in picture covers. Most singles look much like each other. The good ones include; Selection of T-Rex. Thin Lizzy, Some Beatles ( as an ensemble and solo work)
Some however were kind of guilty pleasures. Nothing you would boast about, but still pretty bad.

That Bruce Willis one is actually quite good. And ,let’s be fair, who doesn’t enjoy a wig out to the final countdown.

And then there are the ones that I really shouldn’t admit to owning. To be fair, Bucks Fizz actually did some decent stuff and have an Ivor Novella award. Their replacement singer, Shelly Preston, went on to join Brian May’s band. That’s a career change for you.
I actually live in the catchment area for St Winifred’s school, so “Grandma” fills me with cold dread. They still teach music there. It could happen again. Be Afraid.