These cartridges recently came into my posession very cheaply. A couple of old school classics for sure, so well in keeping with my vintage gear.

They both came attached to 2nd hand turntables Were they worth it?
The Nagaoka MP-10 is a fine cartridge. I already use the more recent Nagaoka MP-110 on my Garrard Zero 100. This one came on a recently acquired Dual 504 , and was indeed part of the justification for that purchase.

On closer inspection I am rather relieved that I did not try to use it, even with a scrap record. The actual diamond has come adrift from the mount. At some point I may well invest in a new stylus and press the cartridge into service on something. For now though, it’s going in the spares box.
Lets have a look at the Shure M75 ED Type 2. This also came on a 2nd hand turntable. My Garrard Synchro-lab 65B cost just £30, intended for spares use only. The motor is suitable for my much grander Zero 100 . The plinth and lid will likely see active service at some point. Other than that, the cartridge is the only item of any potential use.

This fine example of an elliptical stylus fares much better under the microscope. I’m happy to see that in contact with my favorite records.
It is now installed on my recently acquired Dual 504, for which it is a good match, aesthetically as well as technically.
The sound is head and shoulders above the cheap AT91 it replaced. Magnificent.