I bought this at the boot sale because it was Denon and cheap. It turned out to be ideal for my needs.

First it needed some attention. Continue reading “Denon DRA-F101 Receiver a surprisingly good find”
Vintage HiFi. Sounds great, looks cool, costs peanuts
I bought this at the boot sale because it was Denon and cheap. It turned out to be ideal for my needs.
First it needed some attention. Continue reading “Denon DRA-F101 Receiver a surprisingly good find”
As another experiment in accurately measuring my turntable speed I have been investigating these cheap and cheerful Laser Photo Tachometers.
These are available for less than a tenner on eBay, so I thought I would see how if fares for measuring the rotation speed of my Dual CS505 turntable. Continue reading “Turntable speed with laser tachometer”
My original plan to wind my own pickups was thwarted because I was unable to source the necessary magnets. Taking the easy, but expensive route I purchased a pair of the “must have” pickups of the time. Di-Marzio “Dual sound”. This is basically the four conductor version of the then popular “Super Distortion” hum-bucker pickup. Continue reading “Electrics for my home made guitar”