Two record players from the golden age of the 7 inch single.

One is very desirable because of the brand, the other less so. Are they that different though? Continue reading “Dansette Senator vs Elizabethan Pop-10”
Vintage HiFi. Sounds great, looks cool, costs peanuts
Audio amplifiers in all their forms
Two record players from the golden age of the 7 inch single.
One is very desirable because of the brand, the other less so. Are they that different though? Continue reading “Dansette Senator vs Elizabethan Pop-10”
Picked this beauty up at Cash Generators for under £50.
That in itself is a bargain, but a tatty paper label on the back promised more. Maybe? Continue reading “Cambridge Audio A5 bargain with bonus.”
This is my recorder selection switch box.
That’s a lot of controls. Here I describe how to use it. Continue reading “Using my Selector Switch”
I have half a dozen recording devices to connect. Unfortunately my Mission Cyrus amplifier only has provision for one tape recorder. To solve this problem I built This.
Continue reading “A selector switch for many tape recorders”
My Main HiFi System is mainly concerned with playing vinyl, but it can also do that modern streaming thing and lots of other formats.
The equipment to do this was produced over a range of five decades. So let’s take a trip back in time from the newest component to the oldest. Continue reading “Half a century in one HiFi.”
You don’t say!
That’s what it says on the tin. But what’s inside? Continue reading “Stereo phono vorverstarker pre-amplifier PA-005”
I do like the clean simplicity of the aesthetics of my Mission Cyrus One amplifier.
However a nice big pair of mechanical VU meters also looks good. So, I built this. Continue reading “A Meter bridge too far.”
I bought this at the boot sale because it was Denon and cheap. It turned out to be ideal for my needs.
First it needed some attention. Continue reading “Denon DRA-F101 Receiver a surprisingly good find”
The input selector switches on the Mission Cyrus amplifier deteriorate over time like any switch. Unfortunately their unique construction make them difficult to clean and impossible to replace.
I have always shied clear of any attempt to strip the switches down, knowing that I couldn’t source replacements if it all went wrong. However, a recent mains transformer fail put me in a place where I had nothing to lose. So, in I went. This is what I found Continue reading “Mission Cyrus selector switches. What’s inside.”
My love hate relationship with my old Mission Cyrus One amp hit an all time low when it refused to power up.
I quickly established that the mains input fuse had blown. The replacement also immediately blew. This could be serious. Time to look inside. Continue reading “Mission Impossible. Has my Cyrus One finally died ?”