Twelve string guitar for price of four.

I’ve fancied getting a 12 string acoustic guitar for a while. I know it’s something I won’t use much, so I’m not going to throw money at it. Problem is that one worth having is likely to cost around £300.

Twelve String fixer upper
Twelve String fixer upper

Then, last month, I saw this for £55. Worth a punt? How bad can it be?

Ok. Lets have a look.

The Good

    • Straight neck.
    • Decent frets.
    • No obvious body damage.
    • Working electrics.
    • Decent make.
    • Can be tuned to pitch
    • It plays well.

The Bad

    • Dings and scratches
    • Missing battery compartment lid.
    • Cheese wire for strings

The Ugly

    • Tatty pick guard. “Stuck down with super glue”
    • Bridge pins held in with tape and blu-tak
    • Tuning pegs are damaged and missing bits.

From this assesment I expect to be able to sort it out without major expense.

Remains of Pickguard
Remains of Pickguard

I started off with the pick guard. The seller said he had tried to fix it down with super glue. That’s cause for concern. I could have a problem removing the tatty old guard without damaging anything. I settled in front of the TV with a tin of lighter fluid and an assortment of blades and scrapers. Patience brought the desired result. It cleaned up nicely.

New Pickguard
New Pickguard

I installed the self adhesive replacement straight away, while the surface was clean and grease free. Then I moved on to the headstock.

Screw hole repair
Screw hole repair

The original tuners are beyond repair. The replacements are almost drop in fit, but screw holes are in the wrong places. I filled the old holes with pieces of cocktail stick and, after the glue had dried, trimmed them flush with a sharp craft knife.  After a touch up with dark brown marker pen and a dab of clear nail varnish the holes disappeared.

Lemon Oil on the fretboard
Lemon Oil on the fretboard

Now, without strings, I have access to give the guitar a good clean. The fretboard was treated to a rub down with fine wire wool and a liberal coating of lemon oil. It came up very nicely. Similarly the guitar body, neck and headstock responded well to a little attention with the touch up marker and good clean and shine with Dunlop 65 polish.

The bridge is a mess
The bridge is a mess

The bridge was the most difficult part of the restoration. A mix and match of bridge pins were held in place with combinations of cellotape and blu-tak.

Cleaning the bridge
Cleaning the bridge

Removing the pins and the blu-tak from the holes was a long tedious job. Dental picks, more blu-tak, lighter fluid and a mascara brush were amongst the many techniques used. New pins finished the job.

New bridge pins
New bridge pins

Cosmetically I decided to leave it at that. It looks good for it’s age! any remaining dents and scratches are part of the guitar’s history.

New battery box
New battery box

Obtaining a replacement battery box was more touble than I expected. An identical drop in version was available, but only at high cost. A generic battery box will have to do. More redundant screw holes to fill, but otherwise a straighforward job.

Change the machine heads
Change the machine heads

The last job is to fit the new machine heads. A little work with a reamer was required to open up the holes a little, where the finish had reduced the diameter. Care with alignment and careful drilling of pilot holes to acommodate the screws prevented any drama. A straightforward job. A bike spanner is a good tool for this job.

New strings and a polish
New strings and a polish

Putting on 12 string takes a while. Tuning them a while longer. Actually it wasn’t that bad. The expected repeated tweaking was not necessary. It was still in tune a week later, much to my surprise.

The Cost:

    • Guitar. Tanglewood TW1200ENAT £55
    • Pick Guard £4
    • Strings £12
    • Tuners £20.50
    • Bridge Pins £4.90
    • TOTAL £96.40

So, less than £100. It was a lot of work though. Only a bargain if you can do the work yourself and enjoy the process.

It plays well and sounds good. That’s what counts. The fact that it looks good is a bonus.

Now to learn a few songs which require a 12 string. ….