It has been nearly two years now since I installed the stylus on my main turntable, so it’s time to chose a replacement cartridge.

There are also compelling reasons to consider replacing the arm too, as we shall see.
My vintage Thorens TD160 is fitted with an ADC ALT-1 Arm. This is an “Ultra Low Mass” arm, as was common then. Cartridges with suitably high dynamic compliance were also the norm in the 1970’s. Less so now. I fitted an Ortofon 2M Blue, which is a well regarded affordable cartridge. It has worked well and given me over 900 hours of pleasure. However, with only 100 hours of the stylus life remaining, I now consider my replacement strategy.
Finding an alternative cartridge that plays nice with that arm could be expensive. Replacing the arm with a medium mass one opens up a big selection of modern cartridges, now and in the future. Another consideration is the poor mechanical fit of the ALT-1 on the Thorens. I had to make modifications for it to work properly. New cartridge and arm it is then.
Researching compatability and reviews brought the Rega RB250 to the fore. Available since the early 1980s, versions are still made today. I went the 2nd hand route and soon secured one for £175 This has a medium effective weight so is very suitable for many modern cartridges, including the Audio Technica VM95ML that I had already ordered.

Seen side by side the main differences are clear to see:
- Thicker, heavier arm tube: Provides the greater mass required by modern cartridges.
- Less protrusion below the arm board: Absence of connecting plug and VTA adjustment facility is no loss. Neither is required by me. The greater clearance obtained is very welcome in the limited depth of my plinth.
- Integrated headshell: Less convinient than the removable one on the ADC, but I’m ok with fitting cartridges so not a problem to me.
- Short fat counterweight: Compared to the long slimmer one on the ADC. The latter caused me no end of trouble, as discussed later.
The change over was simple. A case of un-bolting the old, bolt in the new, secure the cables and put the base back on the plinth.

The ALT-1 counter weight had stuck out by about 60mm and, even with my modifications, only cleared the lid by about 1mm. The RB250 only needs 45mm overhang. Plenty of room now. The fear of contact and resulting sudden stylus movement has receeded.
Fitting the cartridge was straightforward. As was adjusting the arm to suit. I particularly enjoyed the Rega Instructions. Under the heading “Further adjustments for the Neurotic /Paranoid Enthusiast” they advise “…. experiment if you wish but you are likely to gain more pleasure from listening to music”. So let’s do that. Reset the PlayMate Counter and settle in for another 1000 hours of aural pleasure.

We have a problem. The arm lift mechanism was somewhat stiff. I jolted things and skated the needle across the record a couple of times. No damage was done, but I resorted to using the finger lift as a precaution. I expect the grease in the lift mechanism has gone hard. It is a second hand arm after all.
Fixable, but a tricky and messy job. I soon found an excellent video from “Stereo Phil” of Cheshire Audio. I took Phil’s advice and bought a replacement lift mechanism from him. Just £24. Half an hour to fit and adjust, as shown in Phil’s video. Lovely and smooth now. The fear has gone away. The fun begins.

The new cartridge actually arrived before the RB250, so I was able to get an idea of it’s contribution to the sound improvement, independently of the arm. The AT VM95ML has a Microline cartridge. A technical improvement over the Elliptical stylus on the 2M Blue and this was evident from listening. The detail popped and surface noise was lower. I do like the voicing of the Audio Technica VM95 series, this being my third one. A week later the arm arrived. Bass! Lovely clear detailed bass. The combination works well together.
So I now have a much improved system. The previous mechanical compromises with the arm are gone. I have sound improvements both from the arm and the microline cartridge. Going forward I have improved cartridge choices. Maybe an MC next time …